Under the patronage of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage
The application form will be active from 1st March 2024.

You are cordially invited
to join
the 50th Zenon Brzewski
International Music Courses in Łańcut,
which will be held from 1 – 27 July 2024.
Session One 1 – 13 July,
Session Two 15 – 27 July.
Applications can be sent in from 1st March 2024

About the Courses
A magnificent Baroque castle, a beautiful park and a music school in the park, provide a romantic environment for the International Music Courses held each July. The courses are offered to players of the violin, viola, cello, double- bass, classical guitar and harp as well as chamber orchestras and chamber ensembles.
Courses students can participate in the following activities:
Masterclass in music interpretation
Individual lessons intended for advanced players, prizewinners etc.
Junior string players
One-to-one lessons intended for primary/secondary music school students.
Chamber music /optional/
Course members can bring their own ensemble or groups can be formed by the chamber music tutor.
String orchestra /optional/
Formed on the course. Members are auditioned and divided into junior and senior orchestras. There is a daily orchestra practice for an end-of-session performance in the Castle Ballroom.
Aural training (Solfege)/optional/
Group lessons aimed at primary/secondary music school students. Especially useful for string players preparing for entering music universities.
Teacher training
Mainly for Polish-speaking string teachers and university students.
- course tutors’ recitals,
- “Master and Disciple” concerts,
- end-of-session class concerts,
- end-of-session solo performances by course students, one from each class, on 12 July (session 1) and 26 July (session 2),
- the best chamber ensembles and the string orchestras performing on 13 July (session 1) and 27 July (session 2).
Participation, Fees, Accommodation, Methods of Payment…
Overview of Course Activities
Course activities commence at 9 am and they continue until 6 pm with a two-hour lunch break from 1 pm – 3 pm.
All course classes are held daily, including Sundays.
Individual lessons are from 9.30 am to 1 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm. The date and time of the lessons are set by the teacher.
Aural training classes (from 9.30 am – 1.45 pm) are group lessons graded according to the level of the learners.
Daily orchestra practice 2 pm – 3.30 pm (younger players), 3.30 pm – 5 pm (more advanced players)
Chamber group practice: 10am – 1pm and 3pm – 6pm
The sessions are set by the teacher.
The evening concerts, from 7 pm – 9 pm, are both recitals given by the course teachers as well as the Master and Disciple concerts. Details are announced at the beginning of the Course.
On 12 July (Session 1) and 26 July (Session 2) the concerts at 4 pm – 6 pm and 7 pm – 9 pm will feature the best soloists (one from each class), whereas on 13 July (Session 1) and 27 July (Session 2) you will be able to hear the Course orchestras and the best chamber ensembles.
End-of-session Class Concerts
The venue for class concerts can be either the Z. Brzewski Aula in the Music School, or the City Culture Centre at 15 Kościuszki Street, or the Castle Officials’Club (Kasyno Urzędnicze) in Kościuszki Street.
Session 1 commences on 1 July. The information about the Inauguration Concert will be given in June.
Session 2 commences on 15 July. The information about the Inauguration Concert will be given in June.
Admission to all concerts is free of charge.
Barbara Kotwica – Secretary of Courses,
mob. +48 609 715 335,
e-mail: kursy_muzyczne@op.pl
During the courses (July 1-27)
ul. 3 Maja 19, 37-100 Łańcut, Poland
tel. 0048 17 225 31 92