Roland BALDINI(Austria austria)
Solo and chamber violinist, teacher. Music studies in Vienna and Salzburg with E. Steinbauer   and J. Geise (diploma with distinction), furthered under M. Rostal in Bern and F. Gulli in Siena. Has had concert tours in most European countries, also in Russia, North and South America, Asia and Africa. Masterclasses throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas. A visiting prof. of violin in Poland, Finland, Lithuania, USA and Thailand. From 1994 – 2012 prof. of violin at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy , Leipzig, and since 2015 a visiting   prof. of violin at the Academy of Music in Katowice, Poland. He sits on the jury at competitions incl. the J. S. Bach Competition in Leipzig.
Andrzej GĘBSKI (Poland Polska)
soloist, chamber artist, teacher. Studied violin with M. Ławrynowicz at Academy of Music, Warsaw (diploma cum laude). Prizewinner at numerous competitions. Concert appearances in Europe, Asia, South America and all Polish Philharmonic Halls. Recorded 16 CDs with Polish music (first recordings), authored 20 publications with his edition of violin pieces and premiered 54 pieces of Polish music. Prof. of Violin at Warsaw’s Chopin University of Music, Art. Dir. of the Z. Brzewski Warsaw String Orchestra, juror of nation. and intern. competitions. His many awards include the Min. of Culture Award, the Dir. of Art Education Centre Award and the Medal of Gloria Artis.
  m.grabarczyk Michał GRABARCZYK (Poland Polska)
solo and chamber violinist, teacher. Diplomas cum laude from music schools in Łódź (Z. Frieman’s class) and the Moscow Conserwatory where he studied wit D. Ciganov and Z. Sichmurzajewa. Prizewinner of competitions including the Wieniawski, Poznań; the Paganini, Genoa; the J. Thibaud, Paris and the Bordeaux Festival. Concertized in Europe, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Jamaica and Cuba and made numerous recordings. Professor of Violin at the Academies of Music in Poznań and Łódź. Master class teacher and juror at international competitions.
Andrzej GRUDZIEŃ (Belgium Belgia)
soloist, chamber artist, teacher. Pupil of prof. Z. Brzewski, degree from State Higher School of Music, Warsaw then Premier Prix de Violon and Diplome Superieur de Musique de Chambre in Belgium. Professor at Royal Conservatory, Brussels and Liege (chamber music) and Academy of Music, Dinant (violin). Concertmaster of Royal Opera. Received King Leopold II Order for distinguished services to Belgian culture and the Order of Merit Knight’s Cross for services for Polish culture.
Walentyna JAKUBOWSKA (Russia Rosja)
violin teacher, teacher trainer. After graduating from Leningrad (St. Petersburg) Conservatory she studied violin methodology with Lev Raaben. Author of much-acclaimed violin coursebook for beginners. Presently Professor of violin on the faculty of St. Peterspurg Conservatory, Head of Strings at the Mussorgsky School of Music and master class tutor. Awarded a Distinguished Services to Russian Culture medal, Distinguished Services to Polish Culture medal.
violinist, chamber musician and teacher. Doctor of Musical Arts. Graduated from the Chopin Academy of Music, Warsaw, where she studied with prof. Z. Brzewski, prof. M. Ławrynowicz and prof. K. Makowska-Ławrynowicz. Comleted master classes in Łańcut taught by prof.” Z. Bron, E. Feltz, K. Lewin. Teaches the violin at Warsaw’s Fryderyk Chopin Unoiversity of Music affiliate in Białystok and the Z. Brzewski Secondary School of Music in Warsaw. Juror of competitions for children and young adults. General Secretary of ESTA Poland.
Roman LASOCKI (Poland Polska)
distinguished violin virtuoso, teacher, popularizer of violin music. Studied violin with F. Jamry at the Higher School of Music, Łódź (diploma cum laude) and then with A. Gertler, H. Szeryng, T. Wroński, and S. Lewandowski. Appeared in the world’s major concert halls and many composers dedicated their works to him. Professor and Vice-Rector of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw and Professor of Violin at the Academy of Music in Katowice. Juror of national and international competitions. Received numerous honours an awards.
.Dorota Obijalska Dorota OBIJALSKA (Poland Polska)
violinist, chamber musician, teacher, teacher trainer. A graduate of the Music Academy in Gdańsk – violin studies with prof. Maria Suwara.Formerly a long-serving violinist with the Warmińsko-Mazurska Filharmonia in Olsztyn and a member of the Con Flauto quartet, she is the founder and conductor of the string orchestra ABSOLWENT (Alumnus) and co-author of a popular book of pieces for violin and piano Fiddling Notes, intended for the youngest player. She teaches the violin at primary and secondary music schools in Olsztyn and, since 2002, has been a Suzuki method teacher, which she studied with Tove Detrekoy. She has completed a large number of methodology courses run by outstanding pedagogues including those taught by Almita Vamos. Her students and chamber groups enjoy great success at competitions. She runs workshops for children and teachers and is a juror at violin competitions. She has received numerous awards for her pedagogical work.
Paweł RADZIŃSKI (Poland Polska)
soloist, chamber artist, teacher. Pupil of M. Kujawa. Diploma cum laude from the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow (V. Pikaizen’s class.). Completed master classes taught by K. Hausegger, R. Ricci and H. Szeryng. Frequent concert appearances. Founded a student chamber ensemble Academia, now Accademia dell’ Arco concertizing in many countries. He collaborates with Sinfonietta de Paris and is a fosterer of contemporary music. Professor of Violin on the faculty of Academy of Music, Bydgoszcz, teaches master classes in many European countries and at home in Łańcut and Żagań. Juror of competitions.
Agata SZYMCZEWSKA (Poland Polska)
soloist, chamber artist, teacher. First Prize winner at the Int. A. Wieniawski Violin Competition (Poznań, 2006). HAs received four Frederic awards, The Passport Award (from the Polish weekly Polityka) and a London Music Masters award. Concerto appeatances with major orchestras incl. the London Philharmonic under  N. Marriner, S. Ozawa, A. Boreyko, K. Penderecki, J. Maksymiuk and M. Vengerov. Performs and records with outstanding musicians incl. K. Zimerman, M. Argerich, A-S. Mutter and Y. Bashmet. Teaches the violin at the Poznań Academy of Music and conducts master classes in Poland, Germany, Great Britain, China and South Korea. She plays a 1680 A. Stradivari violin.
Edward ZIENKOWSKI (Austria austria)
world-famous virtuoso, teacher. Pupil of O. Ruppel and S. Herman in Gdańsk and A. Gertler in Hannover and Brussels. Top prize-winner in the Wieniawski Competition, Poznań; the Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Berlin; the Paganini, Genoa and the Shigeti, Budapest. Concert tours and recordings worldwide. Professor of Violin (master class) at the Universitat für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Vienna and on music courses in Poland, Germany, Austria and Japan. Juror of international competitions.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the following composition faculty.